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110. Creating a Safe Space for Kids to Express Themselves with Non-Gendered Clothing

Tess Connolly LCSW talks with Elizabeth Brunner today on the podcast about her clothing brand ‘StereoType’. She launched ‘StereoType’ as a way to share this joyful, blended vision of kids’ clothing and to advocate for self expression of all humans, especially the small ones.


  • Learn about Elizabeth and how her company was born through her children’s inspiration. . 

  • Tess and Elizabeth discuss ‘gender norms’ and supporting our children however they want to express themselves through clothing.  

  • Elizabeth talks about the mission and values of her company.

  • Elizabeth tells us about where you can buy her clothing brand and shares feedback she has received from her customers. 

  • Tess and Elizabeth discuss her clothing brand and how we navigate letting our children go through self discovery of how they want to express themselves. 

  • Elizabeth talks about her design process and how her children help her come up with the designs that she sells through her brand.  

  • Tess and Elizabeth talk about conscious parenting and how Elizabeth has navigated and supported her children through letting them express themselves the way they would like to regardless of stereotypes. 

  • Tess and Elizabeth discuss the gender differences and how it is easier to let girls go out wearing pants but when boys wear skirts or dresses they hit a lot more judgement.  

  • Elizabeth talks about the importance of self reflection as a parent and the importance of getting to know ourselves. 

  • Tess and Elizabeth discuss the importance of supporting our children and their uniqueness for their mental health and making their home a place where they are seen and heard and feel safe expressing themselves without judgement.    

  • Elizabeth is most grateful for her family and her kids and being there to guide and to learn from them as much as they are there to learn from her.

Find out about Elizabeth’s clothing brand here 👉


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📧Connect with Therese (Tess) Connolly, LCSW, CCC here: [email protected]


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