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115. Amazing Money Strategies for Single Moms (& Dads) Who Want to Prepare for a Secure Financial Future after Divorce

Tess Connolly LCSW talks with Stacy Francis, Stacy is the President and CEO of Francis Financial a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm dedicated to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transition such as divorce or widowhood.


Learn about Stacy and the work that she does with parents.

Stacy talks about the importance of understanding what the finances of your marriage look like.

Stacy shares with us some useful tools that can help you with budgeting.

Stacy talks about the importance of thinking and having separate discussions about Add-ons in child support to cover expenses beyond typical child support as these require separate negotiation; these might include significant costs like medical, dental, extracurricular activities, and college expenses.

Tess and Stacy discuss the different types of 401k and the importance of knowing what you are receiving in your settlement.

Tess and Stacy talk about the importance of making good decisions and setting yourself up for good financial success in the future.

Tess and Stacy discuss the importance of planning for retirement.

Stacy is most grateful for starting a non-profit when she was 26 and then starting a for-profit a year later to finance the non-profit and having her children through doing all of this. She is grateful for helping so many women through her non-profit and being able to pay herself through Francis Financial so she has the security of being able to look after herself and her family financially now and in the future.


Get information about Savvy Ladies here 👉 Free Financial Education & Advice | Free Financial Advisors (

Check out Stacy’s website here 👉 Financial Advisor New York | Fee-Only | Francis Financial


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📧Connect with Therese (Tess) Connolly, LCSW, CCC here: [email protected]




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